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The Union of Producers and Employers of Meat Industry (UPEMI) is the Polish organization that cares for the economic interests of associated agricultural companies and producers, provides its members with comprehensive substantive and legal assistance. UPEMI represents the interests of its members towards public authorities, both at national and international level.

UPEMI’s specialty is the promotion of meat products, especially pork and poultry.

UPEMI implemented:

  • over 40 promotional projects
  • 5 international campaigns
  • 15 trade fair events
  • numerous conferences, seminars and business meetings in the USA, South Korea, Vietnam, China, Georgia, Germany, Japan, Canada, Kazakhstan, South Africa and Taiwan.

In 2009, UPEMI created the Guaranteed Food Quality System – QAFP. By the decision of the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, this system became the national quality system. The goal of this system is to improve the quality of pork and poultry products, act to consolidate the industry and create tools for effective promotion.

UPEMI deals with:

  • promotion of the meat industry in the country and in the world
  • consulting and training
  • organization of industry exhibitions in Poland and abroad
  • organization of domestic and foreign economic missions
  • representing the industry before public authorities.

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Copyright by Eko logika, All rights reserved.